The Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Medan Kejari, Suryanta Desy Christiani, has charged three defendants of corruption at the Public Service Agency (BLU) RSUP H Adam Malik, cost the state Rp8.05 billion.
"The actions of the three defendants resulted in state financial losses of Rp. 8,059,455,203, based on the calculation of the Indonesian Financial Audit Agency (BPK) Number: 06/LHP/XXI/02/2024 dated February 16, 2024," said the Public Prosecutor in the inaugural trial reading the indictment at the Corruption Court at the Medan District Court, North Sumatra, reported by ANTARA, Monday, July 1.
The three defendants, namely former Director of RSUP H Adam Malik Bambang Prabowo (63), former Dirkeu RSUP H Adam Malik Mangapul Bakara (65), and former Treasurer of BLU RSUP H Adam Malik Ardriansyah Daulay (37).
In front of the Chairman of the Nurmiati Panel of Judges, the Public Prosecutor stated that the three defendants violated Article 2 paragraph (1) Subsidiary Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 20 of 2021 concerning Amendments or Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.
The prosecutor in the indictment admitted that the actions of the three were unable to account for the use or management of state finances of BLU RSUP H Adam Malik in 2018 by collecting taxes, but were not deposited into the state treasury.
The actions of the defendant Bambang Prabowo and the defendant Mangapul Bakara agreed to pay to third parties in cash, and signed an expenditure in the BLU General Cash Book (BKU) RSUP H Adam Malik.
"However, Ardiansyah Daulay did not pay it to third parties in the amount of Rp. 3,010,459,167," said Desy Christiani.
Furthermore, the Public Prosecutor added that the defendants Bambang Prabowo and Mangapul Bakara ordered and signed spending outside of the BLU business and budget plan (RBA) RSUP H Adam Malik in 2018 in preparation for an international accreditation joint commission (JCI) and standard hospitalization class (KRIS).
"Bambang is responsible for spending BLU funds, and ordered the defendant Ardiansyah to sign a check or giro of Bank Bukopin, even though Ardiansyah no longer serves as Treasurer of BLU Expenditures," he explained.
In addition, Bambang Prabowo and Mangapul Bakara also received facilities for personal gain from the defendant Ardiansyah Daulay from the BLU funds of RSUP H Adam Malik, and unpaid tax levies.
Bambang Prabowo and Mangapul Bakara did not supervise the inventory money that exceeded the provisions made by Ardiansyah Daulay.
Meanwhile, the defendant Ardiansyah Daulay made payments to third parties in cash and recorded expenses in the BKU, but did not pay third parties Rp3,010,459,167.
"The defendant Ardiansyah has cut VAT (Value Added Tax), but has not deposited it into the state treasury. Ardiansyah has cut PPh (Income Tax) 21 and PPh 23 of 2018, but has not deposited it into the state treasury worth IDR 5,048,996,036," explained the public prosecutor.
The Public Prosecutor's Office of Medan read out his indictment, that the defendant Ardiansyah Daulay proposed the purchase of goods for the personal benefit of the defendant Bambang Prabowo and the defendant Mangapul Bakara on the orders of the defendant Mangapul Bakara.
"The defendant Ardiansyah purchased goods for the personal interests of the defendant Bambang and the defendant Mangapul. For this action, the three defendants were considered to have enriched themselves or other people or a corporation of Rp. 8 billion," said Desy Christiani.
After reading the indictment by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Medan, Chief Judge Nurmiati postponed the trial and continued on Friday (5/1), with an objection note or exception on the indictment.
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