BOGOR - Bogor City Police, West Java, arrested a busker with the initials RA (23 years) for killing an elderly person with the initials TS (60) who was found swept away in the Cidepit River, West Cilendek Village, Bogor City.

Head of the Bogor City Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Kompol Lutfi Olot Gigantara, revealed that the victim's body was found on Saturday (29/6/2024) afternoon. At that time, the police found irregularities, there were several bruises, so an investigation was carried out with Inafis.

"The search results show that the victim is a victim of a criminal act of murder. From the results of the autopsy, there were several bruises, broken ribs, and there was sand in the digestive tract so that the victim drowned in the river," he explained as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, July 1.

Lutfi explained, from the results of the testimony of the police witness, he identified the perpetrator, so that the perpetrator was arrested on Saturday (29/6/2024) night at his residence not far from the scene (TKP).

After an examination, said Lutfi, the murder was carried out by the perpetrators in the early hours of Wednesday (26/6/2024). The perpetrator abused the victim until the victim was helpless, then threw it into the river.

After carrying out the action, the suspect returned home and did not feel wrong because he was influenced by alcoholic beverages. The suspect was hurt because he was asked 'what do you want to eat tonight?' by the victim at the food stall, "he explained.

As a result of his actions, the perpetrator was charged with Article 338 of the Criminal Code concerning the Crime of Murder with a threat of 15 years in prison.

Lutfi also appealed if the public knew that there had been a criminal act, to immediately report it to the police by contacting Call Center 110, or directly to the Bogor City Police Chief number Number 0878100057.

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