Ukrainian border guards have denied their Belarusian claims to strengthen troops at the border.

Belarus, Russia's close ally that provides support for a full-scale war for Moscow in Ukraine, said last week Kyiv strengthened its troops along the border. The Kremlin said the report raised concerns.

"This is not the first time Belarus has provided information about the threat and strengthening of Ukraine," border guard spokesman Andriy Demchenko told Ukrainian TV.

"This is another part of information operations carried out by Belarus with the support of Russia," he added.

Demchenko said the border was still a concern, and Ukraine strengthened it with techniques while maintaining the number of troops needed to prevent any provocation.

He also said Belarus had been conducting military exercises since June 21, and blamed Ukraine for friction on the border.

On Sunday, June 30, the Belarusian Ministry of Defense claimed to have information showing Ukraine was moving troops, weapons, and military equipment to the border, particularly in the Zhytomyr region.

Minsk also said its forces had deployed additional air defenses to protect border areas from drones, after claiming to have shot down Ukraine's quadcopter earlier last week.

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