JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Alexander Marwata advised civil servants employed (PNYD) in his institution to immediately change status. The goal is that their loyalty can be maintained.

This was conveyed by Alexander Marwata when the KPK held a working meeting with Commission III of the DPR, Monday, July 1. Initially, he mentioned that his internal institution was very unique because it came from other agencies such as the police to the Attorney General's Office.

"KPK employees are unique. Apart from their own recruitment, there are PNYD from the police, prosecutors, BPKP, in the past there were BPK and the Ministry of Finance," Alexander said in a meeting broadcast on the DPR RI YouTube.

This condition then made it difficult for the KPK leaders, said Alexander. Because, they could be more loyal to the initial agency and consider the KPK only a stepping stone.

"It is very natural for employees at the KPK when they return to other agencies to hope for promotion and we cannot provide it. So, if they are more loyal to the leadership of their original agency, it is very humane," he said.

Therefore, Alexander hopes that the members of the council will consider his advice when they want to revise the KPK Law. According to him, it is better if there are no more PNYDs but employees from other institutions immediately change status.

"We hope that if there is a revision or whatever, KPK employees from wherever they come from, when they work at the KPK, yes, change their status to become KPK employees. That is if there is still loyalty," he concluded.

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