JAKARTA - The interim chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nawawi Pamolongo agreed with the statement by KPK Deputy Chairman Alexander Marwata who admitted that he failed to eradicate the rasuah practice during his eight years as a leader. Nawawi said the synergy between the KPK and law enforcement officials (APH) had not run smoothly.

"We did have an acknowledgment from Mr. Alex earlier and we are currently holding that the synergy in eradicating corruption is still not very good," said Nawawi, Monday, July 1.

According to Nawawi, this failure was seen in various ways. For example, coordination and supervision between APHs that are not synchronized as revealed by Alex.

"Earlier, Paak Alex had stated that, for example, Mr. Alex said that there was something we had to supervise, right, other APHs, including the prosecutor's office, but when we were arrested yesterday, for example, the Head of the District Attorney's Office, what is the key to supervision, this is a bit," he explained.

According to Nawawi, supervision and coordination between APH in eradicating corruption is still the homework (PR) for the next KPK leadership.

"Well, it's like that (it's PR, ed)," he concluded.

Previously, KPK Deputy Chair Alexander Marwata personally admitted that he had failed to eradicate Rasuah's practices. Even though he has served as a leader for eight years.

This was conveyed by Alexander during a Hearing Meeting (RDP) with Commission III of the DPR today. Initially he had mentioned the sectoral ego of other law enforcement officers so that the coordination and supervision functions did not go well.

"The sectoral ego is still there, it's still there," Alexander said at the meeting, quoted from the DPR RI's YouTube show.

"If we arrest the prosecutor's friends, for example, suddenly from the prosecutor's office closing the door to coordination and supervision. It's difficult. Maybe also with the police," he continued.

Alexander said this condition made eradicating corruption even more difficult. And I have to personally admit that eight years have been asked, "did Mr. Alex succeed?, I will not hesitate (answer, ed) I failed to eradicate corruption, ladies and gentlemen. Failed," he said.

Alexander then mentioned that this failure could be seen from Indonesia's corruption perception index (IPK) which did not show any improvement. After briefly rising to number 40, now the decline has occurred again at number 34.

"What does that mean, yes, efforts to eradicate corruption are not carried out or not followed by other institutions. This is what we take a portrait of. There is no change in the mindset of institutions or individually integrity, especially institutional integrity and personal integrity, has not changed much," explained Alexander.

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