JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission I of the House of Representatives, Meutya Hafid, appreciated the Minister of Defense and Elected President, Prabowo Subianto, who chose to carry out leg injuries in the country.

According to Meutya, Prabowo's choice to carry out major operations at the State Defense Center Hospital (RSPPN) Panglima Besar Sudirman Jakarta, last week, showed his trust and confidence in hospitals and health workers in Indonesia.

"Pak Prabowo's belief shows that hospitals in Indonesia also have advanced technology and medical personnel who are of the same quality as health workers abroad," Meutya told reporters, Monday, July 1.

The Golkar Party politician believes that Prabowo's choice for domestic treatment can increase public trust in hospitals and health workers in Indonesia.

According to Meutya, so far, one of the problems of the high interest of Indonesian citizens to seek treatment abroad is the lack of public trust in hospitals and domestic health workers.

"Mr. Prabowo's belief to seek treatment at the Jakarta RSPPN is a positive thing, especially since the operations carried out are quite large, risky and risking lives. I believe Pak Prabowo's choice can be an example and can increase public confidence for treatment in the country," he said.

Meutya also appreciated the entire team of medical personnel at RSPPN Sudirman, including a team of doctors and nurses and all other medical personnel so that the operation could run smoothly and successfully.

"I certainly also pray for Pak Prabowo Subianto to recover soon and come back stronger to continue his duties in serving the Indonesian people and state," said the former journalist.

Presiden terpilih Prabowo Subianto, berhasil melewati masa pemulihan pasca operasi cedera kaki yang berhasil dilakukan oleh tim tenaga tenaga tenaga medis RSPPN Sudirman pada tujuh hari lalu.

Prabowo stated that he is increasingly ready to serve the Indonesian people in the next five years.

"God willing, with a healthy condition, in the future I will be more ready to serve and serve the country and people of Indonesia. Thank you to the whole community for their prayers and support," said Prabowo, who was revealed in an upload on his personal Instagram @prabowo on Sunday, June 30.

Prabowo explained that the cause of the leg injury that he had suffered for a long time was because the former and General of Kopassus had experienced two parachuting accidents while he was still active in duty in the TNI.

"As many parties know, I had two skidded accidents while serving in the TNI in the 80s on my left leg, I still feel this injury," he explained.

The General Chairperson of Gerindra is aware and understands that the medical action he is undergoing is full of risks and risks. However, he assured himself that the operation must be taken.

"All of this is for the state and nation, I also believe that the team of doctors and all the medical personnel who handle it are reliable and professional," said Prabowo.

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