JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono responded to his name being proposed to run for the 2024 DKI Jakarta gubernatorial and deputy governor election (Pilgub) by the Regional Leadership Council (DPD) of the DKI Jakarta Democratic Party.

Heru said he was only a civil servant who underwent governance. The head of the Presidential Secretariat said he did not yet have time to fly in the political realm.

"I'm an ASN. I don't have experience in politics. How about it?" said Heru when met in Johar Baru, Central Jakarta, Monday, July 1.

Heru said DKI Jakarta Democrats had not yet established communication regarding his name being proposed in this year's Jakarta regional elections. Moreover, he felt that many candidates for Jakarta governors were more qualified.

"Yes, in the future there will be many challenges. The candidates are good, yes," said Heru.

Previously, the chairman of the DKI Jakarta Democratic Party DPD, Mujiyono, assessed that Heru Budi deserved to run in the DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election. This is because Heru is considered to focus on carrying out his duties in leading Jakarta.

According to Mujiyono, the future leaders of Jakarta should no longer be filled by people who want to use the governor's position as a stepping stone to run as a presidential candidate (candidate).

"When asked who is focused on who it looks like now is the Acting Governor Heru," said Mujiyono.

Heru's previous name was also on the radar of the candidate for Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta by the National Awakening Party (PKB). The DKI Jakarta PKB Regional Leadership Council (DPW) considers Heru to be one of the suitable figures paired with Anies Baswedan in the DKI gubernatorial election.

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