JAKARTA - At least 18 people were killed and 30 others injured after a series of attacks carried out by suspected female suicide bombers in Nigeria's northeastern state of Borno last weekend, the head of the local state's emergency management said.

Director General of the Borno State Emergency Management Agency Barkindo Saidu said the suspected suicide bombers separately attacked a wedding party, funeral and hospital, killing and injuring several people in Gwoza City.

Saidu said 18 dead had been confirmed, including children, adults and pregnant women.

"The injury rate ranges from the rupture of the stomach, skull fractures, and fractures," he said.

No party has yet claimed responsibility for the attack.

The Borno state police could not immediately be reached for comment.

Borno is the center of a 15-year Islamic uprising that has killed thousands of people and displaced millions of others.

Although the Nigerian military has lowered the militant capabilities, they are still carrying out deadly attacks on civilians and security targets.

It is known that Boko Haram and its splinter group, Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP), are the most active militant groups in Borno, an inland area of the size of Ireland.

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