A group of men suspected of being debt collectors ganged up on a man selling chicken noodles in Pasar Kemis, Tangerang Regency.

The incident was recorded by an amateur camera by residents at the scene.

In the video footage, the perpetrators ganged up on the victim blindly with a bench and empty-handed. The victim was beaten by a group of earthquake-bodied people.

The victim was beaten because he had helped the owner of the motorbike taken by the debt collectors.

The incident began when a motorbike was stopped by a debt collector.

"Then the one who had the motorbike shouted 'thief'. The victim came to help and there was a commotion. The chicken noodle traders were finally beaten by the perpetrators," said one resident at the location.

Kapolsek Pasar Kemis, AKP Ucu Nuryandi membenarkan kejadian pengeroyokan yang dialami korban oleh para debt kolektor tersebut.

"It's true, the incident happened last Friday, June 28, 2024. We are currently being handled (Pasar Kemis Police)," he said, Sunday, June 30.

According to Ucu, the victim previously heard the thief's screams, so he approached the motorcycle owner.

"The victim suddenly hit the debt collector, but the victim did not know what hit him turned out to be the debkollator. So the victim did not know at first that the collector's debt was the debt. When the victim returned to his workplace, a group of people approached the victim's place and beat the victim so that the victim suffered injuries to the face," he said.

The case is still under investigation by the Pasar Kemis Police. The police are also still investigating.

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