Deputy Chairperson of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Jazilul Fawaid said that until now there has been no discussion about the name of the Minister of Social Affairs who is also a PDIP cadre Tri Rismaharini to be promoted as a candidate for deputy governor in the 2024 East Java Pilkada.

"There is nothing to discuss about Mrs. Risma," said Jazilul, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, June 28.

He said that until now the name of the candidate for cawagub in the 2024 East Java Pilkada carried by PKB had not yet narrowed.

"Not yet, the dynamics in East Java have not narrowed," said Jazilul.

The name Risma is widely rumored to be joining the former Chairman of the East Java Nahdlatul Ulama (PWNU) Regional Management KH Marzuki Mustamar in the 2024 East Java Regional Election.

The PKB Wasekjen who was appointed to take care of the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada Desk Syaiful Huda on the previous occasion revealed that the planned duet of KH Marzuki Mustamar-Risma was interesting to be carried in the 2024 East Java Pilkada.

Huda explained that the East Java PKB DPW had communicated with PDIP regarding the Marzuki-Risma duo.

According to him, PDIP actually wants its cadres to become Deputy Governor of East Java in pairs with Khofifah Indar Parawansa. However, over time, Khofifah seemed more stable to be back in pairs with Emil Dardak in the 2024 East Java Pilkada.

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