KARAWANG - A child who reported his biological mother due to inheritance to undergo trial at the Karawang District Court, West Java, refused to be accused of being a disobedient child.

"I've always tried to be a child who obeys my parents," said Stephanie Sugianto, a child who sued her biological mother, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 26.

He said that he was not without reason reporting his parents, Kusu Lutaki, who is now a defendant in criminal case number: 143/Pid.B/2024/PN.Kwg, at the Karawang District Court.

Stephanie admitted that she reported her mother, for defending her rights as one of the heirs of her late father, Sugianto, in order to get fair treatment and get a share of inheritance rights as stipulated in the provisions of inheritance law.

"I don't think it was an act of a disobedient child," he said.

According to him, since his father died on December 6, 2012 until this case was tried at the Karawang District Court at this time, all the heirs in the form of movable assets (cars, money, gold jewelry, insurance, deposits), and immovable property (land, houses, shophouses), as well as shares and assets of the company PT EMKL Bimajaya Mustika, both ownership documents and physical, were controlled by his mother and older brother, Dandy Sugianto and his younger brother, Ferline Sugianto.

It was stated that after her father died, Stephanie, who is one of the heirs, did not get a share of the inheritance. In fact, her rights were removed as one of the heirs of share ownership in PT EMKL Bimajaya Mustika.

According to him, this was done by falsifying his signature in the Waris Certificate (SKW) dated February 27, 2013, which was made in Nagasari Village, West Karawang District and the minutes of the EGMS Pt EMKL Bimajaya Mustika dated July 1, 2013.

"I just made a police report against my parents Kusu Botaki, on May 26, 2021 or about nine years, after my father died on December 6, 2012," he said.

This is proof that he has never been greedy for the division of inheritance for nine years, as long as his rights as one of the heirs are not eliminated.

"But from information from my ex-father's employee named Mr. Nainggolan who has worked at PT EMKL Bimajaya Mustika for more than 30 years, it turns out that my rights have been eliminated for shares in PT EMKL Bimajaya Mustika by falsifying my signature, both in SKW and the minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders of PT EMKL Bimajaya Mustika," he said.

He said that the police reports made had gone through a long and long investigation process, around three years, from May 26, 2021 to May 27, 2024.

This condition occurred on the basis of various considerations, both by the investigator and the public prosecutor, solely to provide sufficient time to make efforts for deliberation and peace or restorative justice.

"In addition to falsifying my signature to divert and eliminate the right to share ownership in PT EMKL Bimajaya Mustika, my mother has also disseminated false information to the police, the prosecutor's office and her extended family by saying that I am a disobedient child because I have the heart to make a police report, to extort my own parents, to get inheritance, even though all of that is not true," he said.

He emphasized that he reported his own biological mother because he wanted to defend his rights as one of the heirs of his late father, Sugianto, in order to get fair treatment and get the same share of inheritance rights, as stipulated in the provisions of the inheritance law.

Meanwhile, the mother, Kusu Botaki, a resident of Nagasari, West Karawang, Karawang previously said that at first she did not expect that her son would have the heart to report it and process the law of her actions. Even though it was done solely to maintain the sustainability of the business of her late husband who is also the father of Stephanie.

"I didn't expect that my son like this even though we ourselves did this for the good of all, he asked for inheritance whose value I myself could not fulfill," he said.

Kusu Utaki said that as a parent he also wanted to have a good relationship with all his children, but that good intentions seemed to be against Stephanie.

The case of reporting a child against his biological mother related to this inheritance has entered trial at the Karawang District Court which is held every Monday.

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