JAKARTA - Deputy Secretary General (Wasekjen) of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Syaiful Huda spoke about the PKS decision which officially brought Anies Baswedan-Sohibul Iman as the candidate pair for governor and deputy governor candidate (cagub-cawagub) in the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election. According to Huda, the decision was a blunder because it closed the door for other parties to form a coalition.

"In my eyes, it's a blunder. That's what I call political communication, which is like this, will close the doors of other parties to partner," said Huda at the DPR building, parliament complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, June 26.

Huda also criticized PKS for suddenly changing its decision because initially carrying Sohibul Iman into the Jakarta cagub, then correcting it. According to Huda, this is a form of PKS's uncertainty.

"The uncertainty of PKS friends, which should be PKS's own internal consumption, but published because the first was Pak Sohibul Iman's announcement, corrected the next two days by the PKS president. That means there is anxiety, there is public communication that may be considered wrong and needs to be corrected, and the problem of the follow-up is to immediately pair up between Mas Anies and Mas Sohibul Iman," explained Huda.

Furthermore, Huda has not been able to confirm whether the PKS decision will have an impact on PKB, which previously decided to carry Anies Baswedan as the Jakarta cagub.

"Yes, I don't know if it has an effect or not, but what is certain is that apart from this PKS maneuver, PKB is still concerned about managing Mas Anies' figure, who happened to have been recommended by friends of the Jakarta PKB DPW," concluded Huda.

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