JAKARTA - The incidence rate and the risk of allergies, especially those caused by the unsuitable cow's milk protein, are still often experienced by children around the world, including in Indonesia. Data from the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) shows that the prevalence of cow's milk protein allergies in children under the age of 5 in Indonesia ranges from 2 percent to 7.5 percent or about 1.6 million children in Indonesia who are at risk of developing cow's milk allergies.

This allergic condition is important to be a serious concern for parents, because if it is not handled properly, it can potentially hamper the child's optimal growth and development. Where research shows that 1 in 4 children with cow's milk allergies are at risk of experiencing growth disorders, if not handled properly.

Dr. dr. Zahrah Hikmah, Sp.A(K) as Pediatrician Consultant Allergi & Immunology said that the cow's milk protein allergy occurs because the immune system reacts abnormally to cow's milk protein so that it can cause several symptoms including the digestive tract which can interfere with the absorption of important nutrients in cow's milk.

"This condition needs to be a concern because milk is one of the sources of protein needed by children to support optimal growth and development, including in stunting prevention. Therefore, the role of parents, especially mothers, is very important to prevent and deal with allergic conditions, including proper nutrition," he said in a written statement, Wednesday, June 26. The risk of allergies that still often occurs has not been followed by the right understanding and handling of allergies from parents.

So far, there are still many parents who do not understand how to recognize the correct symptoms of cow's milk allergies. Many also underestimate this condition, so they do not immediately consult a doctor, but try to take their own solution, and even continue to provide cow's milk for their child even though symptoms arise. For this reason, comprehensive education is needed regarding allergies that are always renewed and easy to understand and from reliable sources, so parents can recognize allergic symptoms and immediately consult a pediatrician to get the right diagnosis and handling. In addition, it would be better if mothers could get education at any time from trusted sources, so they could quickly recognize the condition of children who are allergic, "said dr. Zakrah.

Mengingat pentingnya platform edukasi tervalidasi medis untuk memberikan pemahaman dalam mengenali serta menangani kondisi tidak cocok susu sapi perlu dilakukan kepada orang tua, dalam rangka memperingati Pekan Alergi Sedunia, SGM Eksplor ISOPRO SOY bersama dengan layanan kesehatan digital HelloSehat meluncurkan platform edukasi digital “Soya Generasi Maju” yang dapat diakses melalui https://hellosehat.com/festival-soya-2024/.

This platform is the first and only website in Indonesia to provide complete and validated information and AI-based question and answer services with sources that have been validated by experts about the unsuitable condition of cow's milk that your little one may experience so that the Mothers better recognize various symptoms, and handle it so that your little one grows optimally.

SGM Exploration Brand Manager ISOPRO SOY, Claresta totals that his party sees that there are still many Bunda in Indonesia who are confused about finding reliable information and do not know where to ask about how to recognize and handle your little one in conditions that do not match cow milk.

Moreover, the survey shows that content about health is the topic most often sought by Indonesians on the internet. Realizing the importance of a trusted digital educational platform that can help Mothers get updated information and can be accessed at any time, SGM Explores ISOPRO SOY presents an educational platform Soya Generasi Maju.

Platform ini merupakan salah satu komitmen SGM eksplor ISOPRO SOY untuk mendukung edukasi dan memberikan layanan tanya jawab berbasis AI pertama dengan sumber yang telah tervalidasi oleh Expert sebagai sumber berpercaya bagi para Bunda di Indonesia agar dapat memastikan semua anaknya memiliki kesempatan yang sama untuk tumbuh optimal dan menjadi generasi maju maju, termasuk mereka yang tidak cocok milk sapi, jelas Claresta.Platform edukasi Soya Gener Maju dapat dijadikan oleh orang tua sebagai panduan lengkap dan tervalidasi seputarkan si Kecil yang tidak cocok fit iksa sapi, dimana orang tua dapat melakukan sesi pertanya jawab berbasi AI pertama dengan sumber yang telah tervalidasi oleh exert dan mengaksi berbagai kontentensi edukasi yang selaluk di pengubarkan secara periodium.

"We collaborated with Hello Sehat as a digital health service and medically verified and easily accessible health information by the wider community, for the first time in Indonesia launching the first AI-based question and answer service with sources that have been validated by 24-hour free experts and various educational materials in the format of articles and videos that are constantly being updated to answer Mother's needs. Now, Mother can easily access information about the condition of children who do not match cow's milk, ranging from various nutritional fulfillment tips to stimulation activities to support her growth and development," added Claresta

Even though they do not have a suitable cow's milk condition, it does not mean that children do not need to drink milk. It is important for Mother to provide an alternative nutrition that is right, safe and as good as cow's milk, in accordance with the recommendations of health workers. Formula based on soy protein or soya Isalat which has been fortified for children over 1 year which can be an alternative protein source option for children who do not fit cow's milk.

However, Mothers also need to pay attention that not all formulas based on Soya protein isolat are the same, make sure to choose which hundreds of thousands of Mothers have trusted in Indonesia and are proven to support Small ones who do not fit the cow's milk to grow optimally. For this reason, SGM Explores ISOPRO SOY as the Champion of Formula Soya in Indonesia comes at a more affordable price that has nutrients as good as cow milk with quality Soya Protein Isolat content that is easier to digest for your little one who is not suitable for cow milk.

In addition, SGM Explores ISOPRO SOY contains a higher IronC, which is a unique combination of Iron & Vitamin C. Clinically tested iron and vitamin C ingredients help maximize the absorption of important nutrients,*. SGM Explores ISOPRO SOY equipped with 100% quality DHA of Tuna Oil, better than other fish oils.

Through SGM Explores ISOPRO SOY products and a series of digital educational platforms 'Soya Generasi Maju', we hope that Mothers can be more responsive in dealing with the unsuitable condition of cow's milk in their Little ones and can provide SGM Explores ISOPRO SOY. Also make sure to provide the right stimulation so that your little one can continue to grow optimally and become an Advanced Generation Child," concluded Claresta.

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