JAKARTA - Police have tightened guard over Adas Torah in Los Angeles, United States (US) following clashes against Israelis selling illegally occupied land in Palestine.

Pro-Plaestina demonstrators staged a demonstration in the area where the Jewish worship place in Pico Robertson was held over the weekend. The clash only broke out when the opposing crowd carried the Israeli flag nearing on Sunday, June 23.

NBC News in its report Wednesday, June 26, said there were two reports of attacks on the police during the demonstration.

Demonstrations were carried out by pro-Pelestinian masses considering the Jewish place of worship held an event regarding real estate development in Israel.

Companies that are aggressively promoting property in illegal Israeli settlements on occupied land in the Palestinian West Bank also took part in the event.

Police patrols were upgraded at Jewish places of worship and other religious buildings in the area today.

Student groups from Southern California University, Trojans for Palestine and Student Coalition Against Labor Exploitation in a statement on Instagram said demonstrators were held to protest against the sale of occupied land.

The protesters developed there [sinagoga Adas Torah] first. They are fighting unfair sales of occupied land to the Euro-American settlers' market," the group wrote in its Instagram post.

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