JAKARTA - The Gerindra Party opens the opportunity to pair a candidate for governor who is promoted by the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) with the Chairman of the PKS Syuro Council, Sohibul Iman.

"Yes, politics is possible," said Gerindra Secretary General Ahmad Muzani, Tuesday, June 25.

Muzani admitted that he was building intensive communication with the PKS elite. According to him, Gerindra and PKS communication went very well.

It is known that Gerindra supports Ridwan Kamil to run for the Jakarta gubernatorial election. Meanwhile, PKS officially proposed Sohibul Iman as the cagub of Jakarta 2024. However, PKS is willing to become a cawagub as long as the cadres are chosen.

"Still, communication with PKS went well, I communicated with PKS figures going well, very well," said Muzani.

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