JAKARTA - Former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan), Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) said that the former chairman of the KPK, Firli Bahuri, was very active in sending a message to him via WhatsApp when the KPK was investigating allegations of corruption from the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan).

This confession began when SYL was questioned by Chief Justice Rianto Adam Pontoh regarding his meeting with Firli Bahuri at one of the badminton fields in the Central Jakarta area.

SYL did not deny the meeting. But he argued that he came there because there was an invitation from Firli Bahuri.

"Pak Firli only invited me to come to the gor, to watch or participate in badminton," said SYL during a trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Monday, June 24.

Judge Rianto then questioned SYL about another meeting. Because, it was stated in the investigation report (BAP).

"Okay, then there will be another meeting if you look at the Suadara report at Kertanegara's house," asked Judge Rianto.

"That's right, then he said, later he would talk more about it at my house. He hasn't said it in Kertanegara yet," said SYL.

However, SYL said that the meeting did not discuss the corruption case at the Ministry of Agriculture which had entered the investigation stage.

The judge then reminded him about the statement of SYL's former aide, Panji Hartanto. Because, during the meeting at the badminton Sports Center, there was a handover of money.

"Do you know that? Is there any money given?" asked the judge.

"Know Your Majesty. It's right, Your Honor," said SYL.

SYL said that the money given between the aides was Rp. 500 million. However, the money was given in nominal foreign money.

"I don't know exactly the amount. But I estimate it will be in 500 (million)," said SYL.

"500 million?" asked the judge.

"Yes, but in the form of foreign exchange funds," answered SYL.

"Okay, US dollars," said the judge.

Judge Rianto then asked about the purpose of giving the money. However, SYL argued that he did not know for sure. However, Firli always contacted him at the moment when the KPK was investigating the alleged corruption case at the Ministry of Agriculture.

"It's not called what. I feel that why I'm being called up all the time. And the proactive one is my WA is Mr. Firli," said SYL.

"That means indirectly you already know the problem so that law enforcement officers, in this case the KPK, enter the Ministry of Agriculture for the investigation of this matter. You said you knew after the trial. That's the material for my question," said the judge.

"Yes, what is there, Your Honor, is information on alleged problems related to various programs and I have checked downwards, to my irjen and others, including the relevant director-general and all clear no problems," said SYL.

"So I think just my friendship with Mr. Firli. I am the same in the cabinet and used to sit close to him," continued SYL.

It was previously reported that SYL admitted to handing over money to Firli Bahuri twice. The amount reached Rp1.3 billion.

"And there was a handover of suadara's money earlier, yes. How many times did he hand over?" asked the judge.

"The one from me twice," said SYL.

"Initially 500 (million)a was 800 (million) huh?" asked the judge confirmed.

"Yes, more or less like that," said SYL.

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