JAKARTA - Former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) finally opened up about his meeting with the former Chairman of the KPK, Firli Bahuri. During the meeting, it was discovered that there was a transfer of money to secure the alleged criminal case.

It started when Chief Judge Rianto Adam Pontoh questioned the purpose of his meeting with Firli, who had been in the public spotlight at one of the badminton Sports Halls in the Central Jakarta area.

"What is the intention of meeting the Chairman of the KPK, Firli Bahuri, if you really didn't know at that time? What did you mean by meeting with Firli Bahuri, the chairman of the KPK?" asked Judge Rianto during a trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Monday, June 24.

"Pak Firli only invited me to come to the Sports Hall, to watch or participate in badminton. That's the first thing I understand," said SYL.

Hearing this testimony, the judge then questioned SYL about another meeting. Because, it was stated in the investigation report (BAP).

"Okay, then there will be another meeting if you look at the Suadara report at Kertanegara's house," asked Judge Rianto.

"That's right, then he said, later he would talk more about it at my house. He hasn't said it in Kertanegara yet," said SYL.

Judge Rianto then investigated the purpose of the meeting to discuss the KPK's investigation into the alleged criminal act that occurred at the Ministry of Agriculture.

However, SYL admitted that in the meeting at the Badminton Sports Center there was never any discussion to discuss this matter.

"Yes, what is the problem with Firli Bahuri? Does it have anything to do with the KPK investigation at the Ministry of Agriculture?" asked Judge Rianto.

"In general, there is no such submission," said SYL.

Judge Rianto, who heard the testimony, also reminded SYL about the testimony of other witnesses. Where, there was the handover of a sum of money to Firli Bahuri.

"I remember once again, yes. Panji's statement at that time was that there was a collection of money and at the meeting in the gor there was a handover of money. But from an aide to an aide. Kevin, Yuli... Panji to Mr. Firli's aide," said Judge Rianto.

"Do you know that? there was a gift of some money?" he continued.

"Know Your Majesty, it's true, Your Majesty," said SYL.

Until finally, SYL admitted that he had handed over money to Firli Bahuri twice. The amount reached Rp1.3 billion.

"And there was a handover of suadara's money earlier. How many times did he hand over?" asked the judge.

"The one from me twice," said SYL.

"Initially 500 (million) equal 800 (million) huh?" asked the judge confirmed.

"Yes, more or less like that," said SYL.

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