The West Sumatra Police confirmed a thorough investigation into the case of the discovery of the body of a teenage boy named Afif Maulana under the Kuranji bridge, Padang City, which is now in the spotlight by the public. The teenager was allegedly abused by the police.

"I take full responsibility for the case of the discovery of Afif Maulana's body, until now we are still investigating this case," he said.

Kapolda Inspector General Suharyono was reported by ANTARA, Monday, June 24.

According to the Kapolda, his party has examined 40 witnesses in the case of the discovery of the victim's body who is a resident of Lubuk Kilangan District, Padang City, on Sunday (9/6).

Of the 40 witnesses, 30 of them were personnel from the Sabhara Directorate of the West Sumatra Police who carried out the task of preventing brawls.

At the time of the incident before the victim's body was found, initially there was friction between a group of motorbikes and the police who were carrying out their duties.

At that time, a group of young people were in the middle of a convoy on the street using motorbikes while carrying sharp weapons.

West Sumatra Police personnel who saw the incident immediately approached to disperse, as well as secured the perpetrators because they were taken down to anticipate brawls that were rampant in Padang.

Police officers arrested dozens of perpetrators, dozens of sharp weapons scattered at the location, including the motorbike belonging to the victim Afif Maulana driven by his friend.

In addition to increasing investigations into the case, his party is also now waiting for the autopsy results.

The police will also seek information from the victim's friend who spread testimony on social media in the context of an investigation.

The West Sumatra Police Chief expressed his condolences and condolences to Afif Maulana's family.

Previously, Padang Deputy Chief of Police AKBP Rully Indra Wijayanto said the body was found on the surface of the river under the Kuranji Bridge at around 11.55 WIB.

"The victim's body was found by residents who became eyewitnesses, then reported it to the Kuranji Sector Police Office (Polsek)," he said.

Based on this information, the police immediately went to the location and conducted further investigations.

From the results of the initial investigation, it was known the identity of the 13-year-old victim, male on behalf of Afif Maulana.

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