DELI SERDANG - Kualanamu Airport in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra received the arrival of 101 aircraft carrying out technical landings. The arrival of the planes was to fill the avtur during the return of the pilgrims to the country. "Yesterday two SV (Saudi Arabian) planes made a technical landing in Kualanamu to continue their journey to the hajj debarcation," said Head of Air Transport, Airworthiness and Aircraft Operation of the Regional Airport Authority II - Medan Arief Budiman, in Deli Serdang, as reported by ANTARA on Sunday, June 23. The 101 aircraft carrying pilgrims in the country from Saudi Arabia, he said, were served by two airlines, namely Garuda Indonesia and Saudi Arabia from June 22 to July 21, 2024. Among them 55 Hajj flights were served by Garuda Indonesia towards five waterbases, such as Banjarmasin in South Kalimantan one batch. Then Lombok in West Nusa Tenggara four groups, Solo in Central Java five groups, Makassar in South Sulawesi 14 kloters and Jakarta in Banten 31 klotter.
"Finally, Saudi Arabia's aircraft served 46 Surabaya Debarkation Hajj pilgrims in East Java," said Arief.
He also admitted that the 101 Hajj planes made a technical landing with a transit of a maximum of one hour from Jeddah and Medina in Kualanamu. Data from the Airport Authority Region II - Medan stated that the departure period of pilgrims from Hajj candidates on May 12 to June 10, 2024, there were 207 aircraft filling the avtur of four Indonesian embarcations in Kualanamu. 100 Garuda Indonesia aircraft from three embarcations, namely Solo 81 batch, Balikpapan 18 batch, and Banjarmasin one batch, while 107 Saudi Arabia aircraft from the Surabaya Embarkation. "So during the filling of the avtur is carried out, for passengers who are sick and need special handling, they can get off the plane in Kualanamu for treatment at the hospital," said Arief Budiman.PT Pertamina Patra Niaga North Sumatra Regional (Sumbagut) ensures that the stock of avtur in the region is sufficient to serve Hajj flights for the period of 2024. "We are also committed to supporting the success and smooth running of the 2024 Hajj pilgrimage," said Area Manager Communication, Relation and CSR Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagut Susanto August Satria.
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