JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission A of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Mujiyono, revealed 5 unresolved Jakarta problems ahead of the 497th anniversary (HUT) which was commemorated on June 22. This problem needs to be resolved immediately by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government before the status of the Special Region of Jakarta is officially determined.

The first masalab, Mujiyono saw that there was no spatial alignment and synchronization of development programs with buffer areas. So far, spatial planning alignment and synchronization of development programs in the Jabodetabekjur area have not been optimal.

"In my opinion, this is the main problem that must be solved because it is impossible to organize Jakarta without arranging the surrounding area, considering that various main problems in Jakarta such as congestion, flooding, clean water, and solid waste will be more effective if handled at the regional level," said Mujiyono in his statement, Friday, June 21.

Second, social and economic inequality is still high. For the record, there are about 23 percent of Jakarta residents who live in slums or in urban villages with inadequate environmental infrastructure.

"There needs to be great efforts and breakthrough steps to make improvements or upgradings to densely populated residential areas so that they become habitable settlements," said Mujiyono.

Third, continued Mujiyono, the development of Betawi culture is still minimal. Although in terms of regulations there is already DKI Jakarta Regional Regulation Number 4 of 2015 concerning the Preservation of Betawi Culture, the development of Betawi Culture in Jakarta is still very minimal.

"The Provincial Government of the Special Region of Jakarta must be more active in building collaborations to build public facilities with betawi nuances, make art performances and cultural performances, and increase the production of handicrafts and typical betawi foods," explained the member of the Democratic Faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD.

Fourth, Mujiyono assessed the need for acceleration to complete strategic projects in the transportation sector (MRT, LRT), Waste Processing, Drinking Water Processing System (SPAM), Jakarta Sewerage System and Beach Embankments.

Fifth, Pulau Seribu is still not getting attention as a tourist area. If the DKJ status is officially attached to Jakarta, the Provincial Government needs to prioritize a number of things. One of them is the provision of inter-island transportation facilities.

"It is also necessary to increase the provision of Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) technology Water Processing Installations to meet the clean water needs of islanders, build a minimum Type C hospital in the Thousand Islands, provide waste treatment facilities, to improve environmental protection and management, especially marine biota which is the advantage of tourism in the Thousand Islands," he added.

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