The West Sumatra Police confirmed the dishonorable dismissal or PTDH of three police personnel. "At the first trial, three police officers were decided to dishonorably discharge," said West Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Suharyono in Padang, Antara, Friday, June 21. It is possible that after the first trial there will still be PTDH on other Bhayangkara personnel. This is because the local police are still carrying out the investigation process of other members suspected of violating or deviant members. "Maybe next time there are still others who follow but we are still waiting for the results of the trial," said the two-star general. This step was taken to respect the legal process that could still be taken by unscrupulous members who are being investigated by investigators. In other words, if there is no appeal after the trial, PTDH will be carried out immediately. As the superior investigator, the Kapolda can accept if in the trial decision there is an appeal by the party being examined. After the appeal, the Kapolda and the team will re-examine whether there are things that can be accepted or not. "So, it is natural, for example, if there are members who have then been decided, it could be that the decision changes with the decision made by the code of ethics trial commission," he said. The PTDH for the three police personnel is part of a simultaneous operation related to drugs and other crimes that were carried out some time ago.
The recipient of the 1992 Adhi Makayasa award added that there were three kinds of sanctions against police officers who were proven to have committed violations and criminal offenses. First, disciplinary action, legal action and finally PTDH.

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