The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) ensures that a number of heavy equipment has been deployed to open road access buried by landslide material in Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi (Sulbar).

Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center Abdul Muhari said excavators had been deployed to open access roads damaged by landslides ranging from Piriangan Tapiko Village to North Besoangin Village and Ratte Village, Tu'ubi Taramanu District.

Based on a written statement quoted by Antara, a number of heavy equipment belonging to the Polewali Mandar Public Works Service will also be operated to trim the cliff along the road connecting villages that are prone to landslides and can pose a threat to road users later.

According to him, a joint team of officers at the location reported landslide piles stretching along 40 meters covering three connecting road points in Pririangan Tapiko Village - Besoangin Village has begun to be cleaned and vehicles can immediately pass.

Furthermore, the construction will be carried out in the second location, namely one connecting road point for North Besoangin Village to Ratte Village which was buried by a 20-meter long landslide and road access in another North Besoangin Village area with a landslide cover length of approximately up to 50 meters.

He hopes that the weather conditions will be sunny and friendly so that the opening of the road access can be completed immediately to speed up efforts to distribute aid to 970 families of landslide victims.

This is because the road has been buried by landslides since Wednesday, June 12, forcing joint BPDB officers, the TNI/Polri and residents to struggle to travel through the relay to provide assistance to aid victims of isolated disasters in their respective villages.

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