The police revealed a number of facts in the incident of a woman with the initials FN who died falling from the third floor of a fitness center (gym) in Pontianak City, West Kalimantan, Tuesday, June 18, while doing a treadmill.

A female member is known to have deliberately opened the window where the FN victim was thrown and fell downstairs. This was done just before the incident occurred.

In the CCTV footage, it can be seen that after opening the window, the woman wearing a black sports outfit then left the location.

"At around 12.00 WIB, the woman opened the window. After that she left. This is something we will explore," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Pontianak Police, Kompol Antonius Trias Kuncorojat, Friday, June 21 afternoon.

He said the female member who deliberately opened the window was included in the Pontianak Police investigator's examination list. In the near future, he will be summoned for questioning.

So far, continued Trias, at least eight witnesses have been questioned by the police. These include personal trainers, gym owners, receptions, members, lovers and the victim's younger siblings.

"Furthermore, we will check the members who opened the window," he explained.

Trias added, based on the results of the examination by the owner of the fitness center, when the incident occurred, the number of personal trainers who usually accompany members was very limited because it was still in the atmosphere of Eid al-Adha leave.

"So that the distribution of personal trainers is lacking. Usually for the windows there are patrols, if someone is open, they will be closed. And also provide direction to members. However, at that time, some were resting so they were not monitored," said Trias.

This, said Trias, will also be investigated by investigators. Especially related to the flow or mechanism and control standards of members in the gym.

"This is what we need to explore, regarding what kind of rest distribution problem, what kind of task and what kind of hours we will explore," he said.

On the other hand, Trias revealed, there are no standard standards in placing the positions of fitness equipment in the gym building. There are no regulations yet regulated or specific rules regarding this matter.

"When referring to the law on buildings, there is no standard that treadmills must be that far. What is there is security that is regulated, for example, lightning, electricity and fire hazards. Furniture infrastructure facilities are not regulated," he said.

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