JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is conducting an investigation regarding the West Bandung Regency Social Service. This investigation was carried out in relation to allegations of corruption in the procurement of emergency response goods for the COVID-19 pandemic that occurred in 2020.

"It is true, currently the KPK has raised it to the stage of investigating the alleged corruption case of procurement of emergency response goods for the COVID-19 pandemic at the Social Service for the Regional Government of West Bandung Regency in 2020," said Acting KPK spokesman for the field of prosecution Ali Fikri in a written statement on Tuesday. , March 16th.

However, the KPK has not provided a complete description of this case and the parties that have been named as suspects openly. Because, according to the provisions during the leadership of Firli Bahuri, cs, the announcement of the suspect will be made when KPK investigators have made attempts to force the arrest or detention of the suspect.

In addition, the suspect's announcement and case construction have not been announced because investigators are still completing their work.

"The KPK ensures that in due time it will notify the public about the construction of the case, the evidence and will explain who has been named a suspect along with the articles of the suspicion," he said.

This, continued Ali, was done as a form of disclosure of information on cases currently being handled by the KPK. "We ensure that we will convey any developments in the handling of this case to the public," he concluded.

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