DELI SERDANG Directorate of Drug Investigation of the North Sumatra Regional Police managed to arrest five drug dealers from Aceh in the parking lot of Kualanamu International Airport, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, last Sunday. During the operation, officers secured 50 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and 100,000 ecstasy pills.

Evidence of methamphetamine was found in the middle seat of the perpetrator's car, wrapped in used burlap sacks. Meanwhile, 100,000 ecstasy pills were stored in a styrofoam placed in the rear trunk and wrapped in plastic.

The five perpetrators arrested were M. Adam, Iswadi, Pandu Denata, M. Azwar, and Hendra are all Acehnese.

The Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police, Kombes Pol Hadi Wahyudi, explained that this arrest stemmed from public information regarding the delivery of methamphetamine and ecstasy from Aceh to Palembang, South Sumatra.

"Officers immediately carried out investigations and reconnaissance after receiving reports. We also received information about a car change in the Langkat Regency area," said Hadi, Thursday, January 2.

From the results of the investigation, it was known that the perpetrators had transferred evidence of drugs to another car to Kualanamu Airport. One of the perpetrators, M. Adam, was arrested first and provided information regarding the location of the shipment. Based on this information, officers arrested the five perpetrators in the airport parking lot.

Furthermore, Hadi revealed that these drugs came from Malaysia and were sent via the Aceh waters. Upon arrival in Aceh, the methamphetamine and ecstasy are planned to be sent to Palembang by land.

"This is one of the efforts to smuggle large amounts of drugs that have been thwarted. We will continue to explore this network to reveal other perpetrators involved," said Hadi.

This arrest adds to the long list of disclosures of cross-provincial drug cases in North Sumatra, considering that this area is often used as a transit route for international narcotics trafficking.

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