West Java PDIP glanced at former Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti to run in the 2024 West Java Governor Election (Pilgub).

Chairman of the West Java PDIP DPD Ono Surono assessed Susi's figure as attractive to be used as a candidate for governor of West Java.

This was conveyed by Ono in response to the figure who will be nominated by PDIP in the upcoming West Java Pilkada regarding Ridwan Kamil, Dedi Mulyadi or a challenger who will be raised by PDIP.

Ono said the West Java PDIP was waiting for the decisions of political parties at the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) regarding the candidate for governor to be carried in the 2024 West Java gubernatorial election.

Because, he said, KIM's decision to carry Ridwan Kamil or Dedi Mulyadi was still not final.

"Airlangga's statement (Ketum Golkar, ed) is waiting for July, Gerindra will package Demul (Dedi Mulyadi) with Bima Arya. I see that it is still not final, PDIP is waiting for it," said Ono Surono to reporters, Wednesday, June 19.

"While waiting, we communicated with PKS, PPP, PKB, including PAN regarding the possibility of a coalition being built in West Java," he continued.

Ono then mentioned the name Susi Pudjiastuti, who deserves to be considered as the West Java cagub. The consideration, he said, was based on Susi's statement which was ready to be nominated if people asked to advance in the 2024 West Java Pilkada.

"There is a statement, Mrs. Susi, if asked by the community, she will be ready. PDIP will investigate whether Mrs. Susi is ready for us to carry. We can encourage other parties to explore further Mrs. Susi's readiness. I think Susi's figure is attractive," said Ono.

Therefore, Ono plans to meet Susi in his hometown in Pangandaran to clarify her readiness. Because Ono admitted that he had not heard about it directly.

"To be honest, I haven't, read from the online media about Susi's readiness. God willing, I will visit directly to see Mrs. Susi all on vacation to Pangandaran," he said.

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