JAKARTA - One of the results of a survey related to the media explained that the younger generation today tends to choose information content presented via videos on social media rather than reading text content.

"Because videoing is faster to get information," said senior Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism Nic Newman regarding video content on social media in a discussion session of the 2024 Global Media Forum (GMF24) panel at the World Conference Center at Bonn (WCCB), quoted from Antara, Tuesday 18 June.

According to Nic, his party conducted an online survey of 2,000 respondents who speak English in ten user countries including Thailand, Kenya, Malaysia, Indonesia, and South Africa with questions related to platforms that are often used to get news.

23 percent of respondents aged 18-24 said they used TikTok for news, while 43 percent used it for all searches, and the rest for other things.

Nic revealed that there were three considerations from his respondents who saw broadcasts on social media, first because they were judged without any engineering and no bias, or certain agendas in the content.

"Why do they like shows because of trust... Another reason is also because they judge that there is no specific agenda from the mainstream media," Nic explained.

The second thing is because short broadcasts present concise content so that it is easier to digest.

"But it also depends on algorithms that present relevant content according to personal wishes," Nic added regarding the variety of content presented on social media.

Furthermore, the third thing is related to various perspectives and content completeness on social media platforms.

"They can find almost all the topics from various perspectives. Long videos for in-depth content, while short videos for preview," the report wrote.

German Public Broadcasting Institute Deutsche Welle has organized the 2024 Global Media Forum (GMF24) with the theme "Dividing solutions" on June 17-18, 2024 with the support of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the North Rhine Westphalia State Government.

Discussions in the GMF24 panel session on the second day also raised the security-safety of journalists, the future of journalism, and the use of artificial intelligence.

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