JAKARTA - EduALL celebrates an important milestone in its eight-year journey by organizing the EduALL Launchpad: Where Your Future Takes Off event at the Financial Hall, Jakarta On May 11, 2024.

This event marked a rebranding from ALL-in Eduspace to EduALL, while reaffirming their commitment to preparing students to achieve their academic dream through innovative uni-prep and mentoring integrative services. With this new identity, EduALL is increasingly focused on collaboration and mutual success in modern education.

The change from ALL-in Eduspace to EduALL is not just a change of name. This is a symbol of greater commitment and wider vision. Over the years, ALL-in Eduspace has helped students on their academic journeys, from self-exploration to choosing the right course of college. With this transformation, EduALL aims to improve and expand existing programs, providing a more personal and research-based approach in guiding students to their dream universities.

EduALL introduced a variety of significant improvements, including improvements in mentor quality and tutors, learning plans tailored to individual student needs, as well as expanding partnership networks. All of this is designed to provide more diverse and in-depth opportunities for students.

The EduALL Launchpad event is a celebration of this new identity and a platform to introduce their newest programs. The show features two talk shows that address various important aspects of personal education and development. In the first talk show, four minutes EduALL, namely Joanna, Joel, Morgan, and Divo, shared their experiences in choosing to major in college, preparing for university admissions, and exploring interests.

Morgan, the minister who was successfully accepted at Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, revealed how EduALL helped him connect with successful entrepreneurs.

"Through the discussion, I got a clearer understanding of knowing the suitable course of college, what should I do to build my profile and develop my business," he said.

In addition, two parents of the mentee-mentee who have been accepted at top universities such as the University of Cambridge and the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) with the Advanced Indonesia Scholarship (BIM), also share their role in supporting their children's dreams. Mrs. Imelda, one of the parents, emphasized the importance of external assistance. "As parents, we have to know when to need outside help. This can help our children find external resources that will enrich information about suitable college majors," he said.

One of the highlights of this event is the second talk show featuring Kristian Purnama, Profile & Exploration Mentor at EduALL, and dr. Angelina Vanessa, founder of Revociety. They emphasize the importance of direct experience and development of soft skills in education.

"The current generation has great potential that must be explored more deeply. EduALL and Revociety are trying to create a supportive environment for students to find a suitable course for them and develop their interests and talents through external collaboration. This is very important because formal education alone is not enough to prepare them for future challenges," said Dr. Angelina Vanessa.

The collaboration between EduALL and Revociety is a real example of how the integration of various elements of education can create a more comprehensive and relevant learning experience. By combining theory and practice, as well as providing access to real-world experiences, students are not only prepared to achieve academic achievements, but also to face the real challenges of life.

As part of the EduALL Launchpad, Expo 360 Uni-prep features interactive exhibitions focused on four main aspects of university applications: interest exploration, portfolio development, academic improvement, and essay writing. Each booth in this expo provides in-depth information and resources for participants to navigate the university application process smoothly.

Booth explores interest, for example, inviting students to find a suitable course through a Career Interest test. At the essay writing booth, students are challenged to identify the writing written by Artificial Intelligence (AI), providing hands-on experiences ensuring that participants gain a deep understanding and practical skills to improve their university applications.

With this rebranding, EduALL is re-implementing its mission to empower students through research-based programs and approved by practitioners. They provide increased mentoring, learning plans, and selection of lecture majors adapted to each student. EduALL is very excited to be part of student education travel in helping them find their passion.

Nicholas Soepriatna, PhD, Chief Operations Officer and Co-Founder EduALL, reaffirmed their commitments.

"EduALL is an uni-prep & mentoring integrative provider that not only prepares students to dream universities, but also grows growth mindsets, develops academic & life-skills skills, and provides access to real-world experiences, while trying to make the process more enjoyable for children and parents," he said.

EduALL Launchpad: Where Your Future Takes Off is more than just a rebranding event. This is the beginning of a new era in education, where collaboration and mutual success are the main focus. With a more personal, research-based and comprehensive approach, EduALL is ready to help students prepare themselves for a bright future.

In a growing world of education, EduALL shows that with proper collaboration, strong supporting resources, and dedication, students can achieve their maximum potential. Through EduALL Launchpad, they not only celebrate their new identities but also strengthen their commitment to help students prepare, achieve, and develop together.

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