JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Alexander Marwata said that the process of procuring goods and services carried out digitally still has the opportunity to be rigged. Sophisticated methods do not close the gap for corruption.

This was conveyed by him while attending a seminar entitled "Mitigation of Legal Problems and Audit for the Procurement of Government Goods and Services", at the SMESCO Indonesia Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, June 12.

"There used to be e-procurement, so all documents had to be uploaded via computer but what happened turned out to be a multiplying system," Alexander told reporters in a written statement quoted on Friday, June 13.

"The vendors make deals outside, set prices, and set who wins," he continued.

Alexander said that so far the government has made many efforts to close the gap in corruption in the procurement of goods and services, one of which is through e-catalog. However, this method has not been effective.

The proof is that the anti-corruption commission is still handling corruption cases related to the process. "There is a repurchase mode through the vendor, that's all, it's also a warning, why don't any other vendors offer it," he said.

In addition, there are also other modes such as inflating prices after the official who made the commitment to upload prices. And previously there must have been an agreement between the PPK and the vendor, when the goods will be uploaded in the e-catalog," he said.

This condition made Alexander remind the importance of monitoring the process of procurement of goods and services. The government's intensive supervision apparatus (APIP) must analyze various transaction modes that feel odd.

"The loss caused by PBJ corruption is very big. Therefore, the KPK hopes that they will jointly guard clean PBJ so that no one will try to outsmart e-catalog," he concluded.

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