The last victim in a landslide that occurred in Pronojiwo Village, Lumajang Regency, East Java was finally found dead.

"Victim Junaidi, a resident of Tamansatrian Village, Tirtoyudo District, Malang Regency, was found Thursday afternoon after an extension of the search time," said Head of Emergency and Logistics Division of the Lumajang Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Yudi Cahyono as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, June 13.

According to him, the family asked for a search again after the SAR operation was officially closed on Monday (10/6) because they believed the victim could be found. The search was then carried out again assisted by volunteers and a number of other sand miners.

"The search for victims was extended for three days from Wednesday (12/6) to Friday (14/6), but on the second day the search for victims had been found and the bodies of the victims were immediately evacuated," he said.

Junaidi's victim, who is also a sand truck driver, was finally found after 10 days of being buried by a landslide that hit four sand miners in Supit Hamlet, Pronojiwo Village/District.

A landslide cliff hit four sand miners in Supit Hamlet, Pronojiwo Village/District in the lava flow of Mount Semeru which is adjacent to the Perhutani Petak 4 area on Tuesday (4/6) at 11.30 WIB.

The four people buried by landslide material were Junaedi (26) a resident of Malang Regency, Dwi Suprapto (35) a resident of Pronojiwo Village/District, Kusnadi (40) a resident of Pronojiwo Village/District, and Rohim a resident of Sidomulyo Village-Pronojiwo District.

Three landslide victims who were found dead for the first time, namely Kusnadi (40) on Tuesday (4/6) afternoon, then on Wednesday (5/6) Dwi Suprapto was found, and on Thursday (6/6) Rohim's victim was found, and finally on Thursday afternoon Junaidi's victim was found, so all victims have been found.

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