JAKARTA - The staff of the Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto, Kusnadi asked the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to reschedule the summons that should have been made today, Thursday, June 13. He admitted that he was traumatized by the treatment of investigators on Monday, June 10. " “ He asked for the rescheduling of the person concerned not to attend," said Kusnadi's lawyer, Ronny Talapessy when confirmed by VOI, Thursday, June 13. Ronny said his client was still traumatized so he couldn't fulfill the investigator's summons. “ Because he was bullied and felt cheated, "he said. This lawyer does not yet know when Kusnadi will be questioned. They are waiting for further calls from investigators. "We'll tell you later, yes, if there is another call," he said. Previously reported, the KPK summoned the staff of the PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto, Kusnadi as a witness today, Thursday, June 13. He will be questioned regarding the Harun Masiku case, which is still at large. "Today is scheduled to examine witnesses," said the KPK Spokesperson Team Budi Prasetyo to reporters in a written statement, Thursday, June 13. The investigation was carried out after investigators confiscated Hasto's cellphone and notebook from Kusnadi's hands on Monday, June 10. This forced effort was carried out in conjunction with Hasto's examination after investigators pocketed new information on Harun's whereabouts.
This confiscation then led to a report to the KPK Supervisory Board. This is because Hasto's camp considers Kusnadi not a related party in the Harun Masiku case. Moreover, the confiscation was claimed to have begun by lying to Kusnadi who was accompanying him and waiting for Hasto outside the KPK's Red and White Building. The investigator reported was Kompol Rossa Purbo Bekti. In addition, Kusnadi and his attorney also reported the investigators' actions to Komnas HAM. He admitted that he was bullied while in the examination room until he was afraid.

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