YOGYAKARTA The definition of beach clubs can be understood as one of the entertainment venues in tourist areas. Recently, the construction of the beach club has drawn the public's spotlight. One of them is the beach club that will be built in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta.

The existence of beach clubs in Indonesia has started to mushroom. However, not all cities have these facilities. For more details, see the following explanation.

Beach club is a name pinned to entertainment venues whose specialty is on the coastline or in areas surrounded by the sea. As an entertainment venue, the beach club is synonymous with beach views and its open seas so that visitors can freely enjoy the natural beauty presented.

From a business point of view, beach clubs are considered part of the hospitality industry because in that place guests can enjoy various facilities ranging from staying rooms, swimming pools, bars, restaurants, and many more.

Reporting from Sandbeds, the current popularity of the beach club continues to climb. However, the history of the beach club itself began in 1998, although to date it has not been tracked down which beach club was first built. However, the existence of the beach club has never been separated from the history of the development of beach tourism in the world.

Beach clubs are also often associated with European culture or in other cold areas that like to sunbathe to warm up.

The identification of the beach club can actually be done quite easily. The reason is that the beach club has several characteristics, for example on building design issues.

The character of beach club buildings is usually made more open than other building characters such as hotels or the like. The entire corner of the beach club building is designed so that guests can enjoy sunlight, the wind, and the full atmosphere of the beach and sea. In addition, there are several characteristics that can be known in general, namely as follows.

In Indonesia, the existence of the beach club can be traced easily. One of the provinces that many beach clubs have built is Bali. Here are examples of beach clubs.

This beach club is located in Badung Regency, Bali. Like beach clubs in general, there are many facilities that can be used by visitors such as swimming pools, chairs, restaurants, bars, and so on.

Still in the same province, Mari Beach Club is one of the most popular places that are visited by tourists. Mari Beach Club carries the concept of traditional Bali-modern with Balinese accents but still looks elegant as well as modern. Mari Beach Club has a location that is quite close to the coastline so that visitors can enjoy the beach atmosphere in Bali.

The Beach Club is also located in Canggu, Badung Regency, Bali. Apart from being close to the beach, La Brisa also has beautiful areas with many trees and buildings made of bamboo and wood.

It is located in Seminyak, Badung, Bali. Beach Club is quite popular in Bali so many tourists visit this place. Apart from having a swimming pool, there are quite a lot of chairs available and various sofas. In this place tourists can eat because there are restaurants and there are also rooms that can be used by visitors.

It is located in West Lombok, West Nusa Tungga. This place is also built in a beach area with swimming pool and bar facilities. In this place visitors can enjoy coctails and other delicious dishes as well as be entertained by the music performed by DJ.

The construction of the beach club is always associated with tourism progress in an area, but its existence still brings pros and cons. This is known from the case of the beach club development plan in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta.

As is known, netizens on Instagram are busy highlighting the construction of the beach club by celebrity Raffi Ahmad in Gunungkidul. Not only that, Nagita Slavina also expressed her desire to build hundreds of villas in the same district. It is planned that Raffi's beach club will be equipped with a number of facilities such as bekizart villas, spas and yoga, iiconic areas, ballrooms, hotels, bussines centers, lots of areas, restaurants, and many more.

Raffi Ahmad is not alone. In the plan to build a beach club in Gunungkudul, he collaborated with several parties, one of which was an investor from Yogyakarta, Arbi Leo.

Raffi Ahmad's plan to build a beach club will be carried out in early 2024. He and his team have conducted a series of surveys as well as laying the first stone in the area chosen for the construction of a beach club covering an area of 10 hectares.

Of course, the beach club in Gunungkidul is supported by local officials, one of which is the Regent of Gunungkidul, Sunaryanta. Even Surnaryanta appeared to attend the groundbreaking ceremony for the Raffi Ahmad beach club.

Unfortunately, the construction of the beach club has been widely opposed, especially by environmental activists and some Yogyakarta residents. In fact, a petition appeared on the Change.org website entitled "Rejecting the Development of Raffi Ahmad Resort in Gunungkidul!". The petition was made by a resident named Muhammad Raffi and has started on March 21, 2024.

One of the reasons for the rejection of the construction of Raffi Ahmad's beach club in Gunungkidul is because the tourist attraction was built in the eastern part of the Gunungsewu Karst Nature Bentangan Area (KBAK).

Please note, the Btang Alam Karst area is a geological protected area as part of the national protected area. The use of the area can be done as long as it does not damage the area of the karst landscape. On the other hand, the construction of a beach club in the area has great potential to damage the area of the karst landscape.

The nature of the karst in Gunungkidul is a water reservoir location that is also protected by UNESCO. On the other hand, Gunungkidul is currently still having trouble getting water.

The rejection of the construction of a beach club in Gunungkidul, which is now viral, has received attention from Raffi Ahmad. The national celebrity responded to reports regarding the rejection of one of his projects and stated firmly that he had withdrawn from the involvement of the beach club development in Gunungkidul.

"I would like to deliver a statement regarding the news that is being discussed by the project in Gunungkidul. And hereby I declare that I will withdraw from my involvement in this project," explained Raffi Ahmad as quoted by VOI from his personal Instagram, Wednesday, June 12.

"Because for me, whatever I do in my business is mandatory in accordance with the applicable regulations in Indonesia. Especially, it must provide good benefits for all Indonesian people," he said.

That's information related to the meaning of the beach club. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.id.

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