MEDAN - Medan Police, North Sumatra, arrested two people with the initials DA and F who were suspected of being the perpetrators of the attack on police personnel named Brigadier Police Dua (Bripda) Kelvin.

"Meanwhile, three other people, including B, are still being chased by our personnel," said Medan Police Chief Kombes Teddy Jhon Sahala Marbun, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 12.

The DA and F who attacked the Medan Polrestabes Traffic Unit personnel were arrested around the city of Medan on Tuesday (11/6).

The case of the attack on a member of the National Police began when a resident named Reza from Kalimantan asked BripdaKelvin for help because he was held captive by a number of people, one of whom had the initials B.

Hearing this, Bripka Kelvin immediately went to the location to try to secure B, but there was resistance and led to an attack by a group of people against the Medan Polrestabes Satlantas personnel.

"As a result of the attack on a group of people, our members suffered bruises on their body parts, then they were taken to Bhayangkara Hospital for medical treatment," he said.

The police chief said that his party came to the location to arrest the perpetrators of the attack on the personnel, namely DA and F.

"The role of the perpetrators DA and F also carried out attacks to help. For their actions, the two perpetrators were charged with Article 170 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 351 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code with a penalty of more than five years in prison," said Teddy.

Regarding the reason why the Kalimantan residents were being held captive, the Head of the Polrestabes said Reza came to Medan and was ordered to buy drugs or become a drug courier. However, so far this confession is still being developed by Medan Police personnel.

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