JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Education Office has gathered five junior high school students in Jakarta who went viral for making fun of Palestinian children who were victims of Israeli genocide. They made this accusation while eating at a fast food restaurant. When clarifying this matter, the five junior high school teenagers admitted that they were sorry for their actions that caused a stir that made many other people condemn it. This was revealed by the Acting Head of the DKI Jakarta Education Office, Budi Awaluddin, after holding a coordination meeting with the police, KPAI, the Ministry of Religion, and the principals of the students. "We called them and they deeply regret what happened. They had cried all over again, in a state of fear, and they asked us to be helped in this regard. So they deeply regret this condition," Budi said at the DKI Jakarta Education Office office, Wednesday, June 12. The DKI Provincial Government also asked the motive for the junior high school students to make fun of the victims in Palestine. He admitted that they were just joking when saying the ridicule. "They really regret the conditions that have occurred. So their condition did not say anything like that on purpose. So this is actually just a joke," said Budi. For this action, each of the students who attend four different junior high schools is required to report to the counseling teacher (BK) for one week. They will also receive guidance from each school. "We provide guidance to these students to report to BP teachers for guidance and also their mental recovery. Also, insights related to these things include developing national insight and also knowledge about the use of digitalization at this time," explained Budi.
In the video uploaded on social media, a number of teenagers analogize the tulamg of fried chicken as the bones of Palestinian children and sambal sauce as the blood of Palestinian children.

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