JAKARTA - Former Governor of North Sumatra (North Sumatra) Edy Rahmayadi has finished undergoing a fit and proper test as a candidate for Governor of North Sumatra from PKB.

Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution, on June 4, has also undergone the UKK as the North Sumatran governor who will be promoted by PKB.

Then, who will the PKB choose to advance in the 2024 Pilkada of North Sumatra? Deputy Chairperson of PKB Hanif Dhakiri admitted that his party could not decide at this time.

"Both of them certainly have a chance. Later, a decision will be made whether the recommendation will be given to person A, the B, we will inform you later," said Hanif at the PKB DPP office, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, June 11.

In the UKK process, the PKB Pilkada Decree asked the sub-district heads to convey their vision and mission regarding regional development. The regional head was also asked to convey the winning strategy to be pursued in order to win the contestation.

To Bobby and Edi, PKB also questioned the winning strategy that will be carried out to what extent the political configuration that is developing in North Sumatra is today.

"From this UKK, we have received a more in-depth picture of the profiles of each candidate, its winning potential, and its vision and mission, and so on," explained Hanif.

On the one hand, PKB also still needs other political parties to form a coalition in order to carry out its cagub-cawagub choices in the North Sumatra gubernatorial election.

Therefore, when determining who is chosen, PKB first provides a letter of assignment for its cagub candidate to find other political parties that are willing to build a coalition. After that, a letter of recommendation for the investigation was issued.

"But we will have a meeting first at the regional election desk before deciding in North Sumatra who the recommendations will be given to," he added.

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