JAKARTA - Member of the DKI Jakarta DPRD from the PDI-P faction (PDIP) Hardiyanto Kenneth urged the revision of the Governor Regulation (Pergub) of the Special Capital Region (DKI) Jakarta Number 110 of 2021 concerning Social Assistance for Education Costs.

"Pergub Number 110 of 2021, I think there are many weaknesses and must be revised immediately," Kenneth said in his statement, Tuesday, June 11.

According to him, recipients of the Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) regulated in Pergub 110/2021 should be able to guarantee that all children who are unable to have a DKI Jakarta ID card can get a free and decent school.

This was conveyed by Kenneth underlining Article 1 paragraph 4 of Governor Regulation 110/2021 which reads: "Social Assistance for School Entry Costs is a fee given to new Students at the beginning of the year of lessons in Private Education Units."

"One example in point 1 is no longer relevant to the existence of Law Number 2 of 2024 concerning Special Regions in Jakarta, besides that also in Article 5 Paragraph 2 from provisions a to e in practice this provision has not technically netted all poor children in Jakarta who are eligible to receive Personal Cost Social Assistance (BSBP), and Educational Implementation Fees (BPP)," he said.

Therefore, he said, Pergub 110/2021 deserves to be reviewed by giving additional phrases in the next item: "Children who can't afford their parents have Jakarta ID cards by showing SKTM (Unable Information Certificate)".

In this provision, he continued, the phrase is to ensure and facilitate data collection for underprivileged children who have not been caught by the points a to e, both in the provisions of Article 5 and Article 10 of Governor Regulation 110/2021, and with this phrase, the purpose of giving BSPP and BPP as regulated in Article 3 will be fully fulfilled.

"So by showing that SKTM can be encouraged to be another option to get KJP for poor people who do not pass the DTKS (Social Welfare Integrated Data) verification, so that it can be a guideline to help poor people who have Jakarta ID cards to be able to enter public schools or private schools at no cost, this is also done as an effort to abolish the budget for redeeming diplomas in private schools," he explained.

The chairman of the IKAL PPRA LXII Lemhannas RI emphasized that the KJP should be a priority right for children from underprivileged families who have Jakarta ID cards so that they can get their right to receive school assistance, as recorded in Pergub 110/2021 Article 3 in terms of a to g, but in reality it is hampered by the DTKS system (Social Welfare Integrated Data) in groups with a lot of decile systems with margin errors.

"This has resulted in a lot of children from underprivileged families and parents who have Jakarta ID cards do not get their right to go to school for free. It is the obstacles regarding DTKS that require the DKI Provincial Government to dare to revise this Pergub, and also dare to make breakthroughs so that underprivileged people who have Jakarta ID cards can attend public and private schools without being charged at all," he said.

The man who is familiarly called Bang Kent admitted that he often gets information that many poor children who have DKI ID cards cannot get KJP and are forced to study in private schools and have to pay tuition fees. However, when they have graduated, there are frequent incidents of detention of diplomas by the school because students still have arrears because they are unable to pay off their tuition fees.

"Paper Jakarta residents who receive KJP assistance or not, both have to pay tuition fees in private schools because the KJP system in private schools on average that I find will still charge tuition fees, which get free fees only books and uniforms. If that's the case, I think it's a form of pendzoliman, this is really ridiculous in my opinion, in the end, there will definitely be a sPP arrears which will result in the detention of diplomas by private school foundations because they are unable to pay tuition fees and for children who are underprivileged who have Jakarta ID cards attending private schools is not an option. The mechanism for redeeming diplomas is stuck in private schools by the provincial government now, in my opinion, is also not a solution, with the limited budget for redeeming the diploma will not be able to reach all the suspended diplomas. The best solution is the Governor Regulation of DKI Number 110 of 2021. 2021 must be revised immediately so that the regulation can be resolved so that this social assistance social assistance problem can be resolved," he said.

Kenneth added that as a representative of the people, he wants all the rules contained in Pergub 110/2021, to be able to side with small communities who need education.

"There must be certainty from the Governor of DKI Regulation Number 110 of 2021, as stated in the principle of the Law on the Formation of Legislation (UUP3) in particular Article 5 paragraph 2 of Law Number 12 of 2011 in conjunction with Law Number 13 of 2022 the P3 Law which is the guide and breath and intention of making the Governor's Regulation which is about the utilization and efficacy to ensure that all the mechanisms and procedures for screening of students who are just, must be understood by a norm in making Pergub and that this Governor Regulation which is the 'Autonomous Satzung' which technically must be able to ensure that every right of Jakarta residents is fulfilled fairly and equitably. So in principle, the Governor Regulation of DKI No. 110 of 2021 must essentially be able to provide good, fair and equitable benefits for the people of Jakarta," he said.

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