Acting Head of the DKI Jakarta Education Office, Budi Awaluddin, said that his party would gather a group of teenagers who ate at fast food restaurants while making fun of Palestinian children who were victims of Israeli genocide. Budi said that the five junior high school (SMP) students would be asked to apologize publicly for their behavior. "Actually, we already have all the data. Indeed, we will collect it later, we facilitate it, they clarify and apologize for the incident," Budi told reporters, Tuesday, June 11. So far, it has only been revealed that a teenager who recorded and uploaded a video on his Instagram account is a student of SMP Negeri 216 Jakarta. Meanwhile, four of his colleagues recorded in the video are not yet known from their school. "So it turns out that there are other junior high schools, right. So we will try facilitation to call them and also ask them to apologize, like that," said Budi. Budi emphasized that the Education Office will instruct schools, including SMPN 216 to increase the teachings and value of tolerance for their students. "We will instill and foster the strengthening of students' character to all schools," explained Budi.
In the video uploaded on social media, a number of teenagers analogize the oopll of fried chicken which they eat as Palestinian children's meat and chili sauce as Palestinian children's blood.

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