JAKARTA - The Purbalingga District Office was ransacked by a team of investigators from the Purbalingga District Prosecutor's Office, Central Java. This search is related to cases of suspected corruption in the management of the Regional Budget in the 2017-2020 fiscal year.

"Apart from searching the Purbalingga District Office, the team of investigators also ransacked the homes of sub-district officials," said Head of Intel's Purbalingga Intelligence Agency, Indra Gunawan, in Purbalingga, as reported by Antara, Monday, March 15.

From the search, his party has secured a number of documents as well as a set of laptop devices.

He said that his party would immediately study the document, then call the witnesses.

"Investigators will then study the documents that were secured and also the results of the examination of witnesses," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of the Purbalingga District Prosecutor's Office, Lalu Syaifudin, said that his party continued to develop allegations of corruption in the management of the Regional Budget in the Purbalingga District, 2017-2020 TA.

District Prosecutor's Office informed him that his party had issued an investigation warrant dated 12 March 2021. This investigation warrant was issued after holding a case.

With the issuance of this letter, the investigating team immediately followed up with the preparation of an investigation plan, a schedule for witness examination, a schedule for confiscation, and a schedule of searches aimed at obtaining evidence in order to clarify the alleged corruption crime.

In the initial investigation stage, he said, the investigative team from the Purbalingga Public Prosecutor's Office found around IDR 334 million of the budget which could not be accounted for so that it became part of the facts found or as supporting facts to increase the investigation to the level of investigation.

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