JAKRTA - Chairman of the KPU Hasyim Asy'ari responded to the alleged irregularities in official travel expenditures worth Rp 10.57 billion which were revealed in the Audit Result Report (LHP) of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK).

Hasyim emphasized that his party had reported and returned the excess official trip to the state treasury.

"Regarding the news of official travel costs of around Rp. 10.57 billion, the KPU has not been returned to the state treasury, the excess," said Hasyim after a meeting with Commission II of the DPR, Monday, June 10.

Hasyim then explained the reasons for the excess budget for the official expenditure. According to him, the realization of the budget can occur below the budgeted figure.

"It's more or less an illustration like this. For example, it is budgeted for an official trip for one person, say, for example, Rp. 10 million. It turns out that the realization is Rp. 8 million. That means there is still Rp. 2 million," he explained.

Hasyim then clarified the findings of the BPK which stated that his party had not returned the excess budget. He emphasized that currently the Rp10.57 billion budget has been returned to the state treasury.

"It was stated in the initial findings that it had not been deposited into the state treasury or had not been returned. But now, actually, from the figures that were found by the BPK, we have deposited them into the state treasury," said Hasyim.

Hasyim said the return process was not easy, because it had to be traced first. For example, he said, how much the remaining official travel budget was not used, then after it was demonstrated, it was deposited into the state treasury.

"Indeed, BPK's findings regarding the findings of excesses or remaining official travel budgets of Rp. 10 billion have been deposited into the state treasury," continued Hasyim.

It is known, recently the Financial Audit Agency (BPK) uncovered irregularities in the official travel funds of government agencies.

Where 10 government agencies were allegedly spent the state treasury through fictitious official travel. One of them is the General Election Commission (KPU).

The KPU is said to be one of the government agencies that has made a profit of Rp. 10.5 billion. This budget is the remaining excess payment for official travel that has not been returned to the state treasury.

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