BOGOR - Bogor City Government (Pemkot) through the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) requested that business actors first complete all permits before opening a restaurant operation or other business premises. Recently, the Bogor City Satpol PP has sent a warning letter (SP) 1, as a warning to business actors who have operational restaurants on Jalan Pahlawan intersection Jalan Batutulis and MV Sidik, before completing all necessary permits according to the rules. Berlaku.Kasat Pol PP Kota Bogor, Agustian Syah mengatakan, surat teguran SP1 tersebut merupakan tindak lanjut dari adanya surat pelimpian dari Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dan Penataan Ruang (PUPR) kepada Satpol PP terkait adanya tempat usaha jenis restoran yang sudah melakukan operasional sebelum memiliki dokumen Persetujuan Bangunan Bangunan (PBG)."Basikan pelimpian yang mengarakan pada Perda (Perangan Daerah) Kota Bogor Nomor Nomor 2 tahun 2019 tentang Bangunan Gedungan dan Izin Mendirikan Bangunan, "Then we checked the location, we checked the permit, then we called the person concerned to come with the permit file they had. Well, because at this time they don't have PBG, we don't follow up with giving SP 1," said Agustiansyah, Sunday, June 9. The SP1 was sent and received by business actors on Friday (7/6) yesterday. From the results of the initial inspection and the summons of the restaurant, Agustian Syah explained that the restaurant had already pocketed it several licensing items, such as the Business Identification Number (NIB), Statement Letter of Environmental Management and Monitoring (SPPL), Analysis of the impact of traffic (Andalalin) from the West Java Provincial Office due to business actors establishing restaurants on provincial roads and several other permits. However, business actors have not yet obtained documents for Building Approval. To the Bogor City Satpol PP, said Agustian Syah, the business actor admitted that he had taken care of making PBG documents by completing the required documents. He ensured that his party, the Bogor City Government, did not indiscriminately enforce the regional regulation and apply the rules. However, Agustian Syah explained that his party must be careful so that they are not wrong in taking steps when enforcing the rules and taking action, this is because there is an adjustment to the Job Creation Law which includes Government Regulation (PP) related to business permits with the Regional Regulation of Buildings owned by Bogor City. "Because "We in Bogor City have a regional regulation on Building Buildings in 2019, but nomenclature has not referred to the Job Creation Law in 2023," he said. So we have conveyed it with the commission 1 board, we also convey the constraints. The answer is that we must revise this Perda. This is absolutely necessary for adjustments," he said. While waiting for the stages to start and run, the Bogor City Satpol PP still adheres to the regional regulations in conducting supervision, monitoring and prosecution by conducting patrols around every corner of the city, collecting data and checking every existence of new buildings while also following up on the delegation from the PUPR Service.

"We hope that in the future all business places that really want to do their business must complete all permits, business actors can be patient waiting until the permit is all owned. Because even though the Job Creation Law allows for businesses, each region has local content. The regional regulation must also be obeyed by entrepreneurs," he said. by completing all permits, Agustian Syah said, business actors can run their business comfortably, the business climate is running well and the economy of the citizens can increase.

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