JAKARTA - Russian President Vladimir Putin said his party did not need to use nuclear weapons to provide victory for Moscow in Ukraine.

Putin, whose troops have made progress in eastern Ukraine in recent months, said he had not seen the condition of the use of the weapons and asked the public to stop discussing nuclear topics.

But Putin, who leads the world's largest nuclear power generation country, insists not to rule out changes to Russia's nuclear doctrine, which stipulates conditions under which these weapons can be used.

He also said that if needed, Russia could conduct nuclear weapons tests, although Putin did not see this as necessary at this time.

Putin's response came after a question from Sergei Karaganov, an influential Russian analyst, asked whether Putin should direct Ukraine's nuclear activities.

"The use is possible in extraordinary cases - if there is a threat to the sovereignty and integrity of the country's territory. I don't think such a case will happen. Such a thing is not necessary," Putin said at St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

"But this doctrine is a living tool and we are carefully observing what is happening in the world around us and not exclude making some changes to this doctrine. It is also related to nuclear weapons testing."

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