JAKARTA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) said a family of four was found dead due to being buried by landslides in Ende, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), on Friday 7 June. "They have four families, so the house is right on the cliff, the conditions are very vulnerable during the rain," said Acting Head of BPBD Ende Regency, Yulius Emanuel Riwu when contacted from Labuan Bajo, NTT, Friday 7 June, was confiscated by Antara. He explained that one family was each of the Bata Bernadus (48, husband), Hendrika Oka (40, wife), and their two children namely MAW (7) and E (1). They are residents of RT 05 RW 02 Rewarangga Selatan Village, Ende Timur District, Ende Regency. "The four victims who died were in the house and at the time of the incident were still sleeping," he said. He explained that the fateful incident was triggered by a high-intensity rain that flushed the area since Thursday 6 May, at 19.00 WITA. "Indeed, behind their house there was a retaining of land, but not from a wall, it was a type of preparation of cement bags, it was collapsed," he said.

Usai mendapatkan laporan, kata dia, personel gabungan bersama warga langsung melakukan evakuasi terhadap para korban."Rencananya jenazah akan dimakamkan besok pukul 10.00 Wita di Pekuburan Katolik Mautapaga dan pemakaman seluruhnya ditangani pemerintah daerah," katanya.Ia juga menjelaskan, walaupun telah memasuki musim kemarau, namun demikian masih terdapat hujan di sejumlah wilayah di Kabupaten Ende. Karenanya ia meminta warga yang bermukim di dataran tinggi dan lereng untuk mewaspadai dampak hujan deras seperti tanah longsor.

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