The East Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) traced the cellphone belonging to the victim of SMAN 61 Jakarta student with the initials SN (16) who was reported missing suspected of being kidnapped.

The victim was reported missing in the Pondok Kelapa area, Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta since Tuesday, June 4.

"So far, we have tracked the cellphone that SN brought," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Nicolas Ary Lilipaly at the East Jakarta Metro Police Headquarters, Friday, June 7.

According to Kombes Nicolas, the police are currently conducting an investigation to find the whereabouts of the SN victim.

"We ask for help from all people who see or know the whereabouts of this child, please give us information. Let us pray that in the near future the child's whereabouts can be found," he said.

Kombes Nicolas explained that the victim's family reported the case of missing SN to the East Jakarta Metro Police on Wednesday, June 5.

At the time of the incident, said Nicolas, SN left school from home at 05.30 WIB using Jaklingko public transportation number 42.

"However, until the afternoon the victim did not return home and finally the parents looked for it and did not find it. The victim's family had contacted the phone, but it was also inactive, finally the parents reported it to the East Jakarta Metro Police," he said.

The police have also checked the scene of the incident, starting with the victim taking the angkot and the presence of the surveillance camera (CCTV).

"We hope that the public will provide information if they know about the whereabouts of SN," he said.

Previously, it was reported that a student at SMAN 61 Jakarta named Sayidah Nailaturahmah was reported missing when she left the house to a school in the Pondok Bambu area, Duren Sawit, East Jakarta. The victim's parents reported the incident to the East Jakarta Metro Police.

The disappearance of Sayidah Nailaturahmah has entered its fourth day. The beautiful girl who wore this batik uniform disappeared without her whereabouts since June 4, after leaving the house to go to school using public transportation.

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