KEDIRI - A total of five high schools (SMA) in Kediri, East Java, are considered prone to fraud when accepting New Students (PPDB).

Head of the Kediri Education Office (Cabdindik) Branch, Adi Prayitno, explained that the five SMAs are SMAN 1 and SMAN 2 in Kediri Regency, as well as SMAN 1, SMAN 2, and SMAN 7 located in Kediri City.

"SMAN 1 and SMAN 2 Pare, as well as SMAN 1, SMAN 2, and SMAN in Kediri City are the attention and research whether there are games or not and so on," said Adi Prayitno, quoted Thursday, June 6.

Adi said that the five high schools have good facilities and infrastructure, so they can make parents struggle to send their children to the school. This condition is vulnerable to being used by a number of individuals to cheat.

"Because we are here in order to secure and implement the constitution. If later there are complaints and so on, it should be resolved by means of local wisdom, Kediri, permission from the leadership," said Adi.

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