JAKARTA - The National Mandate Party (PAN) supports the youngest son of President Joko Widodo, Kaesang Pangarep, to run in the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election (Pilgub).

PAN assessed that Kaesang's candidacy could break the votes of candidates who had already surfaced, such as Ridwan Kamil and Anies Baswedan.

"For example, if Mas Kaesang wants to be in Jakarta, I as chairman of the DPP PAN Jakarta will certainly support it. So let's break up the existing composition," said the chairman of the DKI Jakarta PAN DPW, Eko Patrio, Wednesday, June 5.

"Right now, it seems that only Ridwan Kamil is there, that's how it is Anies, now these are just those two. But if there is Mas Kaesang, it will also divide it," he continued.

Moreover, continued Eko, the name of the candidate in the Jakarta Pilkada from PAN has begun to be narrowed. PAN itself encouraged Zulkifli Hasan's daughter and Deputy Chairperson of the Jakarta DPRD, Zita Anjani as cawagub.

According to Eko, Kaesang and Zita are very suitable to be duet in the upcoming Jakarta gubernatorial election. Because both of them come from young people.

"If yesterday there was Eko, there was Bima, there was Pasha, there was Zita, now we have immediately been narrowed to Zita Anjani. He is also the chairman of the council in DKI Jakarta. And about the problem of concentration in education, for me to match. Especially if for example Zita and Kaesang, they are both young," said the member of the DPR.

Apart from Kaesang, PAN also has another choice of name to recommend as a Zita couple. Namely, PDIP politician Rano Karno.

"Rano Karno is also very concerned with Jakarta. Especially with the soap opera the Doel of school children. So it means for me this is a composition that can not only be Ridwan Kamil, Anies again, so there is another Choice," said Eko.

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