JAKARTA - The police will examine the bank in the investigation of a suspected fraud case involving the husband of the artist Bunga Citra Lestari (BCL), Tiko Aryawardhana, as the reported party. The examination was to determine the flow of funds.
"In the future, investigators from the South Jakarta Metro Police will conduct an examination of fellow banks to find out the flow of funds," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi to reporters, Tuesday, June 4.
In addition, investigators will also examine Tiko Aryawardhana as the reported person. Inspections are carried out often the status of cases that are already at the investigation level.
However, it was not conveyed about the timing of the examination of the banking sector or Tiko Aryawardhana.
"We will also conduct an examination of TP's report," said Ade.
The alleged fraud case worth Rp6.9 billion began when Tiko and his ex-wife, AW, founded a company in the food sector.
Then, AW invested in the company with a nominal value of around Rp. 2 billion.
"The complainant is a commissioner, the reported is a director. Based on the events reported they are in a company, there is investment there," said Ade.
The restaurant is also operating. But over time, the reporter found that there was a difference in money.
However, for the number, Ade has not been able to convey it because it is still in the investigation stage.
"Then there is a difference, the difference in money. We can't mention it because this is a report later that is still being investigated," he said.
With these findings, AW reported the alleged fraud and/or embezzlement to the South Jakarta Metro Police on July 23, 2022.
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