JAKARTA - The Bantul Regency Youth and Sports Education Office, Yogyakarta Special Region has changed the requirements for admission of new students (PPDB) in 2024 on the zoning route to prevent the practice of riding on population on other people's family cards (KK).

"For PPDB this time there is a slight change in the requirements, one of which is for zoning, it requires that the child's family must be listed in the family of his biological parents or grandmother or biological grandfather," said Head of the Bantul Nugroho Regency Education and Sports Office (Dikpora) Eko Setyanto, ANTARA, Sunday, June 2.

According to him, in the previous year's PPDB implementation, it was not regulated that the prospective student should be included in the family planning of his parents or siblings, as long as the KK address is included in the regional zoning, so he can participate in the selection at public schools within a certain radius.

He also said that in the implementation of PPDB for the 2024/2025 academic year, it was also required that the KK, which contained a prospective student, be issued by the government for at least one year from the time of registration at the intended public school.

"This is to give a sense of justice to our children who are in the actual zoning, so our hope is that there are no more KK deposits, maybe it was before, but for now it seems difficult," he said.

He also hopes that public schools in Bantul Regency will also pay more attention to the statements of children in the KK, including the issuance of a population administration letter issued by the local Population and Civil Registration Office (Disdukcapil).

"Of course, now it can be seen in the KK, there is a date issued on which date, and it will be known about how many years the child is in the KK and so on," he said.

He further said that in preparing for the implementation of PPDB in 2024, his party had conducted socialization to provide information related to the implementation of the selection of new students in Bantul, so that it could be understood by the public and parents of new students.

"Socialization is also to realize the implementation of quality, objective, transparent, and accountable PPDB so that it is hoped that it can realize equal access for students in obtaining education," he said.

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