JAKARTA Clashes between groups at Alexis Intersection, Pademangan, South Jakarta caused one person seriously injured as a result of a sharp weapon. The Head of the Pademangan Police, Kompol Binsar Hatorangan, said the clash occurred in the early hours of Wednesday, May 1.

After receiving the report, the police immediately moved to arrest the perpetrators. As a result, two of the six perpetrators, MR (17) and WAS (18).

"WAS (18) and MR (17) are children in conflict with the law (ABH)," Binsar told reporters at the Pademangan Police, North Jakarta, Friday, May 31.

Meanwhile, the other four perpetrators, namely AL, S, S (ABH), and F (ABH), are still being searched for by officers and have the status of the People's Wanted List (DPO).

"4 people have been designated as DPOs," he said.

According to Binsar, the clashes began when the @Backstreet group often gathered and went live on Instagram. Suddenly the opposing party sent a message of ridicule and a challenge to do a brawl.

"Then they determined the hours and places, until finally the clashes occurred," he said.

At around 03.30 WIB the Kebon Sayur group and the Kampung Bandan group met. When the brawl occurred, the WAS perpetrator saw a DPO with the initials AL beating and slashing sickles into the victim's body named Ilham Nurdiansyah alias Bolang (25) who was a member of the Kampung Bandan Group.

"Then the victim fell, the suspects WAS, MR (ABH), and S (DPO), and ABH with the initials S who were still DPO slashed the bodies of each victim using sickles," said Binsar.

After slashing the victim, the perpetrators fled to the Kebon Sayur area. Meanwhile, the victim was rushed to the hospital by witnesses at the scene. As a result of the stabbing, Ilham suffered serious injuries to several parts of his body.

"The stab wounds on the back of the waist and were sewn up by 35 stitches, on the left temple, left and right right hands," he said.

For his actions, the 2 perpetrators were named suspects and charged with Article 170 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 6 years in prison.

JAKARTA - The police revealed the motive for the 90-strong gangster and BK Street to carry out a brawl by broadcast live through their group's personal Instagram. The goal is to provide information to other groups, if the gangster looks stronger.

It is known that a brawl occurred between a group of gangsters which resulted in the fall of a victim named Ilham and suffered serious injuries. The incident occurred last Wednesday, May 29.

During the action, the police arrested two of the 6 perpetrators involved in the violence. The two people had the initials MR (17) and WAS (18).

"Their motive is basically, there is no problem. Only proof of themselves, wanting to be arrogant, and who is better off," said the Head of the Pademangan Police, Kompol Binsar Hatorangan, to reporters at the Pademangan Police, Friday, May 31.

Binsar explained that before the brawl, one of the groups created content to get together. Suddenly they were sent a message of ejaculation and a challenge to do a brawl.

"Then they determined the time and place, finally the impact occurred," he said.

When the action was carried out, the perpetrators were equipped with sharp weapons (sajam) of large sickles to samurai types. This is a weapon used during the brawl, be it the fallen group is taken to win," he said.

The police who received the information conducted an investigation by examining a number of witnesses. The result was obtained an identity until finally two brawlers were arrested. The rest are still being chased.

For his actions, the 2 perpetrators were named suspects. They were charged with Article 170 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 6 years in prison.

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