JAKARTA - South Korea's Unification Ministry warned Seoul would take very painful measures if North Korea continued provocations such as sending dirt-carrying balloons to the South.

Earlier this week, Pyongyang flew hundreds of large balloons containing garbage and cage fertilizer to Seoul and carried out a GPS incident in waters near the northwestern border islands of South Korea for three consecutive days until Friday.

North Korea also fired a short-range ballistic missile salvo into the East Sea on Thursday (30/5).

The ministry, which is responsible for inter-Korean affairs, voiced deep disappointment over North Korea's provocative actions that are considered irrational and irrational.

"The government is taking North Korea's latest provocation very seriously. We will not tolerate such actions," said the South Korean Unification Ministry.

"If North Korea does not stop its provocative actions, the government will take all actions that North Korea cannot bear. We firmly warn that all responsibility for what will happen afterward is entirely in North Korea's hands," the ministry said.

The warning was delivered because North Korea is expected to continue to take provocative actions amid open hostility towards South Korea.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's sister, Kim Yo Jong, issued a statement full of ridicule, calling the balloons a sincere gift for South Koreans calling for guarantees of freedom of expression.

Kim vowed his country would send garbage dozens of times more than the amount of dirt scattered in the North.

Seorang pejabat militer Seoul mengatakan Korut mungkin akan mengirim lebih banyak balon seperti itu pada Sabtu (1/6), saat angin diperkirakan ke selatan.

Kim Jong Un also oversaw a firing drill involving a super large double rocket launcher on Thursday.

North Korean state media said the exercise was aimed at demonstrating the country's determination to carry out a preliminary attack on South Korea, if provoked.

At a party meeting late last year, Kim defined inter-Korean relations as "between two hostile countries" and said there was no point in seeking reconciliation and unification with South Korea.

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