JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Alexander Marwata regrets that there are no former KPK leaders who are the Selection Committee (Pansel) for Candidates for the leadership and Supervisory Board of the KPK. In fact, they can provide input on what kind of figure the institution needs.

"Unfortunately there is no former KPK leader as a member of the Pansel," said Alexander Marwata when contacted by reporters, Thursday, May 30.

Alexander respects the figure that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has chosen through a Presidential Decree (Keppres). However, he assessed that the former head of the anti-corruption commission could provide an overview of the leadership needed.

"Even though if there is one, it can provide an overview of what kind of Capim KPK is needed. So that efforts to eradicate corruption are led by the right people," he said.

As previously reported, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has signed the Presidential Decree (Keppres) of the Capim Pansel and the KPK Supervisory Board. Head of the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) Muhammad Yusuf Ateh was appointed as chairman.

The Pansel Capim and the KPK Council will soon work. Later they will have an office in the State Secretariat building.

The following is the composition of the KPK Pansel appointed by President Jokowi:

The chairman of the Pansel concurrently serves as a member: Muhammad Yusuf Ateh, currently serving as Head of BPKP Deputy Chair concurrently as member: Arief Satria, Chancellor of IPB and chairman of community organizations.Member: Ivan Yustiavandana Nawal Nely Ahmad Erani Yustika Ambeg ParamartaElwi DanilRezki Sri WibowoTaufic Rachman

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